Archive for June 2006

Thoughts on the Film

June 1, 2006

Were the people on the street consistent in their arguments for or against same-sex marriage?

Why or why not?

Discrimination Questions

June 1, 2006

Can an employer discriminate against an employee based on their gender, religion or race for the following situations?

1. An open audition is called for the role of Cindi Lauper in a 90-minute TV biopic. The casting director immediate dismisses a heavy-set African-American woman who applies for the role, stating that she doesn't "fit" the position. Although she is applauded for her voice's uncanny resemblance to the pop diva's, the actress subsequently sues the production company for discriminating against her based on her race and gravitational orientation.

2. A Muslim K-12 school posts an ad in the weekly paper, looking for "Men and women to teach foundational Islam to junior high students". The teacher eventually hired is dismissed shortly afterwards, when it is discovered that although he has a solid understanding of the Q'uran, he is in fact Christian and not Muslim.

3. A basketball coach refuses to accept a female honor roll student into his all-male junior basketball team.

Dutch party line promotes children’s freedoms

June 1, 2006

A political group calling itself the "Charity, Freedom, Diversity" (NVD) party is hoping to eliminate the Netherlands' existing laws on pedophilia and the age of consent, amongst other things: Though their platform has been condemned as immoral by a majority of politicians, why do they oppose it so vehemently? They don't condone child abuse – but only consentual relationships with children.