Thoughts on the Film

Were the people on the street consistent in their arguments for or against same-sex marriage?

Why or why not?

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7 Comments on “Thoughts on the Film”

  1. Cathy Smith Says:

    It is interesting to see who was interviewed and who agreed and those who disagreed.
    I was surprised to see how both sides were represented.
    It is undermining to the sacrament of marriage and the procreation of children
    which is what is sadly becoming more and more unnatural with the number of
    test tube babies and the destruction of millions of embryos. Stop the insanity!

  2. Kevin Says:

    Will Bill C-38 create a class of Canadian citizens denied a right to be raised by both a mother and a father? Would it be legal or constitutional to impose that on children? Can any Canadian have such a right? If so, would federal or provincial governments deny these children such rights by awarding their custody to a same sex couple? If not, what makes it legal for the state to deny a child both a mother and a father?

  3. SUZANNE Says:

    My beef with this website is that it’s a little bit confusing and difficult to navigate, and there’s no information on how to obtain a copy of your movie.

    I’m writing the CBC to suggest that it airs your documentary, and will encourage others to do the same. It’s worth a shot.

  4. Kevin F Says:

    What gives — whether it’s not an ‘inherent’ right doesn’t ,matter, it’s a right gays and lesbians have and should remain that way. if God can handle all the other problesm going around in the world, I’m sure he can handle same-sex marriage if he really feels like it’s the big problem you people are making it out to be.

    The fact is, is that the anti-ssm side can only play up the fear card, even though they can’t speak to specifically what they say will happen, because they believe it’s easier to sway people with the unknown. Out of 28 polls on the issue, 25 (since 1996) have shown the majority of Canadians favour same-sex marriage. This issue is long-dead in Canada.

    We haev the Separation of Church and State for a reason! Furthermore, anti-SSM protestors often gather muslims, jews, etc. to protest with them (to increase their protest size), yet those people are committing the biggest sin of all by not beliving.

  5. John Fedrom Says:

    Should societal upheavals be determined by the public? If so, then why didn’t the country listen to the public when, not so long ago, they overwhelmingly opposed SSM? Just because people get used to something, doesn’t make it right.

    Kevin, maybe you can address actual points made in the film about rights before making your claims, because the film does anything but “sway people with the unknown”. Most people take ‘rights’ for granted without understanding what they’re based on.

    There are laws that currently exist in Canada which forbid violations against moral decency. If we have true separation of church and state, what are these laws based on? Ultimately laws are based on the collective experience of society and individual educated moral conscience.

    It should be noted that many of these same laws infringe on the “rights” of many groups of individuals who argue that they are not harming others by breaking those laws.

    The film, I think, forces the viewer at least to realize that the issue of rights needs to be examined more thoroughly before making such a huge decision like changing the institution of marriage.

  6. TruthRevolution Says:

    The question to ask is this: does morality have a place in the law?
    Ask that question of your average Canadian, and they will likely say no. In fact, ask it of your average human rights lawyer or politician, and they will likely say no. But really, what’s the truth? Of course morality has a place in the law! If it doesn’t, then why do we have laws which forbit violations against moral decency in Canada? If it doesn’t, then why are Canadians opposed to legalizing consensual incest? Is it because of the effect it will have on children? What if they decide not to have children? And if we are concerned about the children, what about the effect of growing up with two dads or two moms?
    Consensual incest is illegal for the same reason that homosexual acts were once illegal. The simple reason is because it’s unnatural and wrong. Homosexual acts were decriminalized under Trudeau simply place the responsiblity more in the hands of individuals rather than the state. It was to promote individual freedom. But decriminalizing something is very different from officially sanctioning it, and that is what SSM does. In the words of Trudeau, “We are not authorizing homosexuality. We are simply saying that we are not going to send policemen into the nation’s bedroom…”


  7. Trent Says:

    Hey Guys,
    I thought the movie bought up some interesting points. I found a good review for it too! Check it out…


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